“When I first contacted with Teresa, I had no idea on how to eat or what to eat in a daily routine. I had sugar cravings all the time and energy fluctuations during the day. This is the last day of Teresa’s program and I feel so lucky I discovered this new world. I said to this diet “let’s give it a try” and I believe this was the best idea. Since the beginning I had no sugar cravings, I don’t feel the need for coffee in the mornings (thanks to the fantastic smoothies) and I know better what to eat and when to eat in quantities I decide. I feel my body receives everything that it needs to be strong (I also feel as though I am not afraid of getting sick.) For me, this lifestyle (including the morning routines) is what means to being good to yourself and feeling healthy constantly. Thank you very much for introducing me this beautiful world Teresa 😊 ”
— Cansu
“I am more and more keen on pursuing these good habits. Everyone has been telling me how good I look, how healthy I seem, how energetic I am. It feels great to hear those compliments, but it feels even greater to feel these things! I think I haven’t been as laid back and confortable in my body since a long time… I’m not constantly nervous, tired or feeling pains in my body. I really do feel like my body is being less and less of a separate entity from my mind, which is quite a relaxing experience. ”
— Emmanuelle
“This is the day 17 of the Program and I can’t express how happy I am for deciding to start it. :) I feel more energized, feel better in my body, the abdominal bloating has reduced significantly and I lost 4 kilos already (which I know it’s not the most important thing). I embraced a whole new world of yoga and meditation (discovered really nice youtube channels!) and I am starting my day with joy and gratitude The breakfasts are my favourite meal for sure and it’s impressive how it fulfills me, which was not the case before.
I think I am also learning how to treat my body with love and respect, being able to identify what is good and not for it. ”
— Ilda
“Before starting the regenerate program, I had let myself enter a vicious circle from which I couldn’t escape for several years. I started the program with a “let’s see what happens” mindset, there was nothing to lose.
Four months later, I think this is one of the best decisions I made in my life. Teresa offered a canvas and tools that helped understanding what was actually going on in my body, and how my actions could impact the way I feel; and improve this feeling, very rapidly.
I believe I’m now the best version of myself so far, sleep better than ever before, have high levels of energy, feel light, dynamic, and positive, in my body and my mind.
I can only be grateful and want to share this feeling with everybody. I’m sure that this could be the best decision in your life as well. Treat yourself, you deserve it. ”
— Julian
“I came to see Teresa after 3 years of difficulties to digest, regular tiredness, frequent headache and a Gastritis in 2019 and a Candida in 2018. I couldn’t find the culprit despite the fact that I was followed by a doctor specialised in nutrition Basically after Teresa’s 3 weeks diet program I felt as another man : much better digestion (need to be stabilised on the long run), very good sleep and on the top of that the feeling of being alive Last but not least, and it is still hard form me to realise, I ended my 4 years treatment for high blood pressure (over 160/90 in 2016). My doctor (not the nutrition one) confirmed the move. What is the relationship between the diet and the blood pressure ? Teresa will explain to you the assumptions we’ve made :-)”
— Matthieu
“I started the program in hopes of kickstarting some form of control and self-discipline into my life. Best decision I have ever made! This diet has offered me insight and guidance for a new way of eating that I never thought feasible. Having a personal history of having tried several diets and suffering from fluctuating weight mainly due to binge eating and sugar cravings, I can safely say these days are over, and I could not be happier about that. I can finally control what I eat, when I eat it, and how much I eat. The 21 day program has flexibly extended to become my lifestyle now, 2 months later. The science of “superfoods” and living light is here to stay for me. Thank you Dr. Teresa for your professionalism, guidance, and patience!”
— Rana
““Taking the three week regeneration programme, despite some initial reservations, turned out to have a much greater impact and be far easier than I would have imagined. First and foremost I feel so much better physically and mentally - I actually wonder how I managed before! To be free of many symptoms that I have had for so long is liberating. I have also discovered a whole new world of food possibilities that I am enjoying - and they are easy, cheap and fast to make. Integrating the programme into my daily life and habits has been so much easier and faster for me - meaning that it is something that will stay with me for much longer than just the 3 weeks.” ”
— Alain
““This is day 10 of the program. I am writing to you because I am really astonished. I though it would have been extremely difficult for me to follow the “rules”, I have always over snacked and have always felt super hungry most of the time. I don’t know if it’s the sugar, gluten or dairy (or all of them combined) but this has worked wonderfully. I am starting to feel at home with my own body, cravings have DISAPPEARED (!!!) I don’t feel hungry and my energy level have risen. Last but not least, I know I shouldn’t be weighing myself but I was too curious, I lost 3 kg!
I really can’t thank you enough for these splendid guidelines.””
— Bianca Luna
““When I approached Teresa, I was not looking for a campaign type diet, but rather a long-term, sustainable approach to nutrition. And - it needed to be easy to maintain. This is exactly what I got - a program that is easy and fun to follow, without counting calories or the need to follow very complicated arrangements. I am very satisfied with the outcome, and I plan to keep many of the elements in my everyday life. An additional benefit - over the past few weeks, I have forgotten about how those nasty sugar cravings feel like. Recommended! Oh yes, and my 5 week balance is 6 kilos less, which I am very proud of :-)” ”
— Anonymus
““Thank you for your great work, it was my first attempt at making some efficient and life enhancing changes where it came to food and I was successful on my first reach out, so thank you for your time, effort, knowledge and interest.” ”
— Robynne
““Mucho exito y a cambiar el mundo...a mi ya me cambiaste. Cierto que ya no se me antoja el carbohidrato como antes, estoy encantada!! Ya baje 4 kilos sin privarme de nada. Me siento estupenda y no he sufrido la “dieta”. Mil gracias!!!” ”
— Adelaida
““Dear Teresa, I think I found my new way of eating! I feel good, I am never hungry, I’m loving what I eat and I am losing weight...I feel very energetic all day! Thanks very much for this!” ”
— Stefania
““Je prends l’initiative de t’écrire aujourd’hui et je tombe pile sur le dernier jour de ma deuxième phase (enfin 2 x 21 jours) Je ne le savais pas... Parce que je n’ai pas hâte que ca se termine... :):):) Je continue donc comme ca parce que je n’ai plus envie de manger autrement ... C’est exactement ce qu’il me faut pour l’instant, je me lève tous les matins avec l’envie de déguster mon smoothie et quel bonheur .... Alors toute ma journée demarre du bon pied :) ... Mes kilos s’envolent et je me retrouve! Ton programme est top... Encore merci :)” ”
— Clarence
“The biggest revelation was to see that my cravings didn’t come from my head, they came from the body. I always blamed my thoughts and my emotions for impulsive eating, but the moment I started eating a more nutritious breakfast, the cravings mostly disappeared. It feels very liberating. Another surprise was to see how much less food I was consuming in a day. Sometimes a bowl of soup for dinner, loaded with all kinds of seeds, would fill me up - the same as a whole pizza for example. For breakfast a glass of smoothie would keep me full much longer than two croissants with a cup of coffee.”